The Box Office is open from 16:15 till 21:30 (will open in 12:01).

H-8 H-8

Nikola Tanhofer, YU 1958 / 1958


Jonas Govaerts / Belgium / 2022 / 88 min

Noah really loves his girlfriend, his daughter and his car, but after accepting a seemingly simple driving job, he finds himself in a race that could result in him losing either his beloved car, his family or his life. Shot almost entirely from the inside of the car, this fast pace film banging with 90s trance and euro house is an over-the-top celebration of the lawlessness only genre cinema can afford. Be it wild chases, animal attacks, grenades, or straight on tripping, the viewer becomes the passenger in the backseat on this crazy ride through Antwerp.

Policeman Ha-shoter

Nadav Lapid / Israel / 2011 / 105 min

Ahed's Knee Ha'berech

Nadav Lapid / France, Israel, Germany / 2021 / 109 min / Hebrew

Israeli director Nadav Lapid follows up his immensely successful Synonyms with an even more direct contemplation on the role of artists in occupying regimes.

Želim si ljubezni Hab mich lieb

Harald Braun, GER 1942 / 1942

Habemus Papam Habemus Papam

Nanni Moretti / Italy / 2011 / 104 min

Habibi Habibi Rasak Kharban

Susan Youssef / 2011 / 80 min

Hadewijch Hadewijch

Bruno Dumont / France / 2009 / 105 min / English, Arabic, French

Hafez Hafez

Abolfazl Jalili / Iran, Japan / 2007 / 98 min / Persian

Hahaha Hahaha

Hong Sang-soo / South Korea / 2010 / 115 min / Korean

Hail, Caesar! Hail, Caesar!

Ethan Coen, Joel Coen / United Kingdom, Japan, USA / 2016 / 106 min / English

Umirajoča pomlad Halálos tavasz

László Kalmár, H 1939 / 1939

Halima's Path Halimin put

Arsen A. Ostojić / Croatia, Slovenia / 2012 / 93 min

Pichku's Dream Halkaa

Nila Madhab Panda / India / 2018 / 110 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, Hindi, English / 7+

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

King Vidor / USA / 1929

Stopped on Track Halt auf freier Strecke

Andreas Dresen / Germany, France / 2011 / 110 min / German

Hamlet ženska Hamlet

Sven Gade, Heinz Schall, GER 1921 / 1921

Hamlet Hamlet

Kenneth Branagh / United Kingdom, USA / 1996

Half a Confession Han-ochi

Sasabe Kiyoshi / Japan / 2004 / 122 min / Japanese

Hanka Hanka

Slavko Vorkapić, YU 1955 / 1955

Hannah Hannah

Andrea Pallaoro / Italy, France, Belgium / 2017 / 95 min / English, French