Danes je blagajna odprta od 16:00 do 20:30 (odpre se čez 05:28).
The Owl’s Legacy

The Owl’s Legacy

Filmski simpozij v trinajstih epizodah, ki ga je Chris Marker konec osemdesetih posnel za francosko javno televizijo La Sept, se poglablja v vprašanje antične Grčije in njenega vpliva na zahodno civilizacijo. #FilmNaDan

Episode 1: Symposium, or Accepted Ideas

Episode 2: Olympics, or Imaginary Greece

Episode 3: Democracy, or the City of Dreams

Episode 4: Nostalgia, or the Impossible Return

Episode 5: Amnesia, or History on the March

Episode 6: Mathematics, or the Empire Counts Back

Episode 7: Logomachy, or the Dialect of the Tribe

Episode 8: Music, or Inner Space

Episode 9: Cosmogony, or the Ways of the World

Episode 10: Mythology, or Lies like Truth

Episode 11: Misogyny, or the Snares of Desire

Episode 12: Tragedy, or the Illusion of Death

Episode 13: Philosophy, or the Triumph of the Owl

Vir: monoskop.org

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