Spletni šolski katalog
Spletni šolski katalog je seznam filmov za otroke in mlade, ki jih priporočamo za ogled v Kinodvorovem šolskem programu. Priporočeni filmi za vrtce in šole so na voljo za predvajanje v Kinodvoru in drugih kinematografih Art kino mreže. Seznam posodabljamo sproti, novosti pa najdete v tiskanem Šolskem katalogu, ki izide v avgustu. Če bi ga želeli brezplačno prejeti, nam pišite.
V … priporočamo za predšolske otroke | OŠ/1 … priporočamo za učence v 1. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/2 … priporočamo za učence v 2. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/3 … priporočamo za učence v 3. triletju osnovne šole | SŠ … priporočamo za dijake in študente
Fearless Queen of the Night Bojevita kraljica noči
Matej Vranič / Slovenia / 2024 / 80 min / Slovene / 7+
Stunning scientific and natural sciences stories of the unusual life of the Ural owl, a mysterious nocturnal predator that can fearlessly attack even humans.
The Holdovers The Holdovers
Alexander Payne / USA / 2023 / 133 min / English
The Holdovers reunites Sideways’ Alexander Payne and Paul Giamatti in a holiday story of three lonely, shipwrecked people at a New England boarding school during the winter break in 1970. Golden Globe for Giamatti and an Oscar for Joy Randolph.
Barbie Barbie
Greta Gerwig / USA / 2023 / 114 min / English
Barbie Land: the perfect town with perfect inhabitants. Unless you are deep in an existential crisis. Or if you’re Ken… Greta Gerwig directed the film based on a script that she wrote together with Noah Baumbach (Frances Ha, Marriage Story). Barbie won two Golden Globes and eight Oscar nominations, including Best Picture.
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Lukas Dhont / Belgium, Netherlands, France / 2022 / 105 min / Dutch, Flemish, French
After his hit debut feature Girl, Belgian-born director Lukas Dhont returns with a sensitive, heart-breaking tale of friendship between two adolescent boys, a film about “the loss of tenderness in a world of toxic masculinity”.
Bert's Diary Berts dagbok
Michael Lindgren / Sweden / 2020 / 89 min / Slovene subtitles, Swedish / 10+
Bert is your regular 13-year-old kid: He loves superheroes, hates coriander and likes to daydream. For example, about being the coolest seventh-grader in school loved by the coolest girl in school. And another thing: Bert keeps a diary!
Binti Binti
Frederike Migom / Belgium, Netherlands / 2019 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, Flemish, French / 8+
God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunya Gospod postoi, imeto i’ e Petrunija
Teona Strugar Mitevska / North Macedonia, Slovenia, France, Belgium, Croatia / 2019 / 100 min / Macedonian / 16+
A film based on a real event that, years ago, brought outrage to a small Macedonian community. A universal and immensely relevant story of rebellion in the face of a patriarchal society.
Woman at War Kona fer í stríð
Benedikt Erlingsson / Iceland, France, Ukraine / 2018 / 101 min / Icelandic, Spanish, English, Ukrainian
Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of her quiet routine, she leads a double life as a passionate environmental activist, secretly waging a one-woman war on the local aluminium industry. She is prepared to risk everything to protect her beloved Icelandic Highlands.
The White Crow The White Crow
Ralph Fiennes / United Kingdom, Serbia, France / 2018 / 127 min / English, French, Russian
It is 1961. A young man in a black beret is travelling west, leaving the Soviet Union for the first time. From Rudolf Nureyev’s poverty-stricken childhood and his blossoming as a student dancer in Leningrad, to his arrival in Paris in the early 1960s and a nail-biting stand-off at the Le Bourget airport, The White Crow is the true story of an incredible journey by an artist who transformed the world of ballet forever.
Belle and Sebastian, Friends for Life Belle et Sébastien 3, le dernier chapitre
Clovis Cornillac / France / 2017 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+
In the final chapter of the trilogy, Sebastien will try anything to protect Belle from her previous owner.
My Life as a Courgette Ma vie de Courgette
Claude Barras / Switzerland, France / 2016 / 66 min / Dubbed / 8+
Belle & Sebastian: The Adventure Continues Belle et Sébastien, l'aventure continue
Christian Duguay / France / 2015 / 97 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 8+
Shaun the Sheep The Movie Shaun the Sheep The Movie
Mark Burton, Richard Starzack / United Kingdom, France / 2015 / 85 min / No dialogue / 4+
Belle & Sebastian Belle et Sébastien
Nicolas Vanier / France / 2013 / 104 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+