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Animateka 2009

Evropska študentska panorama (2009) Evropska študentska panorama (2009)


  JAZ / JA / I

Ivana Jurić (ALU Zagreb) Hrvaška/Croatia, 2008, miniDV, 3’33”

Ženska je ujeta v moškem telesu.

A woman is trapped in a man’s body.


Anja Tolar (RCDC Kent) VB, Slovenija/UK, Slovenia, 2009, DVD, 4′

Sadako zboli za levkemijo. Bolezen je posledica sevanja atomske bombe. Po stari japonski tradiciji se ji bo izpolnila želja, če bo naredila 1000 papirnatih žerjavov. A več ko ima žerjavov, hujša postaja smrtonosna bolezen. Dokler ne postane število žerjavov nepomembno, njen boj za življenje pa simbol bojevanja za mir v atomski dobi.

Sadako is diagnosed with leukemia, a consequence of atomic radiation. According to an old Japanese tradition, if she makes 1000 paper cranes, she will be granted a wish. But the more cranes she makes the more the disease progresses. Finally, the number of cranes becomes irrelevant as her fight for life grows into a symbol of a struggle for peace in an atomic era.


Robbe Vervacke (KASK Gent) Belgija/Belgium, 2008, Beta SP, 5’20”

Privlačna ženska zapelje moškega, da bi se okopala v njegovi krvi.

A beautiful woman seduces a man to bathe in his blood.


Rafeal Sommerhalder (RCA London) VB, Švica/UK, Switzerland, 2008, digiBeta, 5′

Kratki film o cvetličnih lončkih, klobukih in moči človeških navad.

A short film about flowerpots, hats and the power of human habits.


Kristian Andrews (RCA London) VB/UK, 2008, digiBeta, 5’34”

Tam, kjer živiva, se nič ne dogaja, zato se igrava posebne enote …

Nothing happens where we live so we do special ops…


Eike Mosler (KHM Köln) Nemčija/Germany, 2009, digiBeta, 4’16”

Otrok ponoči kolesari skozi temačen gozd. Drveč avto ga nenadoma izrine s poti in kolesar se znajde med drevesi. V gozdu pa odkrije žareče bitje, ki se je zapletlo v grm. Ko ga reši iz grma, se začne odvijati prav skrivnostna dogodivščina.

A child cycles through a dark forest at night. Suddenly it gets thrown off the road and into the woods by an aggressive car. In the woods the child finds a strange glowing creature that is tangled up in a bush. After it untangles the creature, a mysterious adventure begins.


Célia Sacido-Martin (La Poudrière) Francija/France, 2008, Beta SP, 4’56”

Žabci ne morejo prečkati nevarne ceste, da bi se pridružili žabam, ki jih čakajo na drugi strani. Tujec jim priskoči na pomoč.

The frogs are unable to cross a dangerous road to join the female frogs waiting for them on the other side. A stranger comes to help them.


Moritz Mayerhofer (Filmakademie Baden-Würtenberg) Nemčija/Germany, 2009, digiBeta, 9’30”

Vasica je mračna in zapuščena. Urs je dolga leta skrbel za svojo ostarelo mater, zdaj pa se hoče iz vasice preseliti na sončni gorski vrh. A njegova mama bi raje ostala doma …

A dark and deserted village. For many years Urs has been looking after his aging mother. But now he decides to leave for the sunny mountain tops, while his mother wants to stay…


Gerlando Infuso (La Cambre) Belgija/Belgium, 2008, Beta SP, 8’54”

Iakov, nekdanja zvezda cirkusa Milovan, je danes le ubog pantomimik. Medtem ko si nanaša ličila, se spominja svetlih dni svoje slavne preteklosti.

Once the star of the Milovan Circus and now a mere mime, Iakov recalls his glorious past as he puts on his stage make-up.


Mads Johansen, Torben Sřttrup, Karsten Madsen, Lćrke Enemark (The Animation Workshop) Danska/Denmark, 2008, Beta SP, 3’45”

Pisarniški hrup je kratka računalniška animacija o dveh zelo različnih sodelavcih za sosednjima mizama, in o napetosti, ki bliskovito narašča, ker redoljubnega petelina zoprne navade nerodnega slona vse bolj spravljajo ob živce.

Office Noise is a CGI animated short film about two very different cubicle neighbours, and the tense situation that builds up as the tidy rooster gets increasingly frustrated from being exposed to the irritating everyday habits of his clumsy elephant colleague.


Momoko Seto (Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains) Francija/France, 2008, Beta SP, 7’40”

Svet je postal izsušen planet. Za brezmejno širjenje puščave je krivo izkoriščevalsko pridelovanje bombaža. Velike površine suhih tal prekriva slana puščava, v kateri nastajajo čudna solna drevesa. Ta pojav je le del hujše ekološke katastrofe, izsuševanja Aralskega jezera. In za vse je kriv človek …

The world has become a vast dried out planet, where the growing of cotton, over-exploited for economical reasons, is the main cause of desertification. A saline desert covers acres of dried out land where strange salt trees appear. This phenomenon echoes an even greater ecological disaster, the desertification of the Aral Sea. And man is always responsible…


Carlo Vogele (Gobelins, L’École de l’image) Francija/France, 2008, Beta SP, 4’47”

Nogavica pobegne z vrvi za sušenje perila in gre žurat …

A sock escapes from the clothes line to go clubbing…


Jaagup Metsalu (Estonian Academy of Arts) Estonija/Estonia, 2008, Beta SP, 8’30”

Dva starejša para vsak dan popestrita svoje dolgočasno življenje s pomočjo pretvez in prevar, dokler rutine laži ne pretrga slepa usoda.

Two old couples make their dull lives interesting through cheating and deception until the routine of lies is broken by blind fate.


Alina Constantin (Volda University College/ESAAT) Norveška, Francija/Norway, France, 2009, Beta SP, 6’50”

Skomigi, čudna izolirana bitja, živijo na otoku, okoli katerega voda ves čas narašča. To je njihova zgodba in zgodba o tem, kako so se prilagodili na nenehne podnebne spremembe.

The Shrugs are strange isolated beings living on an island around which the water rises continually. This is their story, and how they have adapted to a constantly changing environment.


Andrzej Jobczyk (PWSFTviT Łódź) Poljska/Poland, 2008, Beta SP, 5’35”

Kratkometražec o realnosti sveta, ki je obrnjen od znotraj navzven. Film sta navdihnili večdimenzionalna in hiperbolična geometrija.

A short film about the reality of a world turned inside out. The film was inspired by the geometry of multidimensional math and hyperbolic geometry.


Youlia Rainous (ENSAD) Francija/France, 2008, Beta SP, 5′

Slastna in eksperimentalna kulinarična animacija. Film raziskuje možnosti kombiniranja različnih sestavin, barv, oblik in tekstur, igralcem pa je omogočena svobodna igra s filmskim ritmom.  

This is a delightful and experimental culinary animation. The film explores various combinations of ingredients, colours, shapes and textures and the casting gives its actors room to play with the films rhythm.

Klub Kinodvor

Postanite član in izkoristite naše ugodnosti! Članstvo poleg znižane cene vstopnic prinaša številne druge ugodnosti.


78 dni 78 dana

Emilija Gašić

ponedeljek, 14. 10. 2024 / 17:00 / Dvorana

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Kleber Mendonça Filho

ponedeljek, 14. 10. 2024 / 20:00 / Dvorana

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