Spletni šolski katalog
Spletni šolski katalog je seznam filmov za otroke in mlade, ki jih priporočamo za ogled v Kinodvorovem šolskem programu. Priporočeni filmi za vrtce in šole so na voljo za predvajanje v Kinodvoru in drugih kinematografih Art kino mreže. Seznam posodabljamo sproti, novosti pa najdete v tiskanem Šolskem katalogu, ki izide v avgustu. Če bi ga želeli brezplačno prejeti, nam pišite.
V … priporočamo za predšolske otroke | OŠ/1 … priporočamo za učence v 1. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/2 … priporočamo za učence v 2. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/3 … priporočamo za učence v 3. triletju osnovne šole | SŠ … priporočamo za dijake in študente
Once Upon a Time in Soča Valley Nekoč v Posočju
Ema Kugler / Slovenia / 2024 / 90 min / Slovene
A poetic documentary about the old faith in the Soča Valley, passed down orally from generation to generation.
Nina and the Hedgehog's Secret Nina et le secret du hérisson
Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol / France, Luxembourg / 2023 / 77 min / Dubbed / 7+
10-year-old Nina has always filled her imagination with her dad’s hedgehog diverting stories. But when he loses his job, Nina starts to worry about the future of her family. After hearing rumors of a treasure hidden by the old factory’s boss, Nina and her best friend Mehdi decide to organize a risky hold-up, to share the swag between her father and his fellow co-workers. A crazy adventure begins…
Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent Nelly Rapp – Monsteragent
Amanda Adolfsson / Sweden / 2020 / 92 min / Slovene subtitles, Swedish / 8+
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Never Rarely Sometimes Always
Eliza Hittman / USA / 2020 / 101 min / Slovene subtitles, English
Don’t Forget to Breathe Ne pozabi dihati
Martin Turk / 2019 / 98 min / Slovene / 13+
Everything changes for a 15-year old Klemen, when his older brother Peter, he is very attached to, falls in love with beautiful Sonja.
My Last Year as a Loser Ne bom več luzerka
Urša Menart / Slovenia / 2018 / 88 min / Slovene / 15+
When a twenty-nine year-old art history graduate finds herself living on her parents’ sofa, penniless, jobless and without friends, she comes to the realisation that growing up is harder than she had expected.
Farewell until the Next War Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni
Živojin Pavlović / Slovenia / 1980 / 117 min / Slovene / 16+
Don't Cry Peter Ne joči, Peter
France Štiglic / Slovenia / 1964 / 92 min / Slovene / 6+
On Our Own Land Na svoji zemlji
France Štiglic / Slovenia / 1948 / 106 min / Slovene / 13+
Set in the Slovenian coastal region of Primorska during World War II, the film depicts the final years of the Liberation Struggle. After the capitulation of Italy, the region falls under German occupation. German officer Kutschera arrives at the valley of Baška grapa, determined to weed out the “bandits”. But the local population is on the side of the partisans. To the villagers the struggle is a chance to liberate themselves from foreign rule.