There's Still Tomorrow C'è ancora domani
Rendez-vous with coffee and talk
The screening is part of the subscription. Individual tickets available on the day of the screening.
Rendez-vous with coffee and talk
The screening is part of the subscription. Individual tickets available on the day of the screening.
cast Paola Cortellesi, Valerio Mastandrea
Extra material (in Slovene only)
There's Still Tomorrow
Study Guide
What's On
Housekeeping for Beginners Domaḱinstvo za početnici
Goran Stolevski
Saturday, 12. 10. 2024 / 21:00 / Main Hall
A film full of laughter, tears and untamed energy. It explores universal truths about family—both the one we are born into and the one we find along the way.
A Family Une famille
Christine Angot
Sunday, 13. 10. 2024 / 11:00 / Main Hall
The writer’s directorial debut is a harrowing, radical and deeply personal autobiographical documentary about a woman who was a victim of incest and is now trying to understand how her family lives with this reality.
Buffalo Kids Buffalo Kids
Pedro Solis, Juan Jesús García
Sunday, 13. 10. 2024 / 11:30 / Small Hall
Mary (Weir) and Tom (Macneill) are parentless Irish siblings who arrive in New York City via ocean liner in 1886 and quickly find themselves on a wild, cross-country journey aboard a transcontinental “Orphan Train” where they meet an extraordinary new friend who will change their lives forever.