The Box Office is open from 16:00 till 20:30 (will open in 12:13).

Spletni šolski katalog je seznam filmov za otroke in mlade, ki jih priporočamo za ogled v Kinodvorovem šolskem programu. Priporočeni filmi za vrtce in šole so na voljo za predvajanje v Kinodvoru in drugih kinematografih Art kino mreže. Seznam posodabljamo sproti, novosti pa najdete v tiskanem Šolskem katalogu, ki izide v avgustu. Če bi ga želeli brezplačno prejeti, nam pišite.

Pri iskanju gradiv si lahko pomagate s starostnimi skupinami:
V … priporočamo za predšolske otroke | OŠ/1 … priporočamo za učence v 1. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/2 … priporočamo za učence v 2. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/3 … priporočamo za učence v 3. triletju osnovne šole | SŠ … priporočamo za dijake in študente
OŠ/1, OŠ/2, OŠ/3

Tartini's Key Tartinijev ključ

Vinci Vogue Anžlovar / Slovenia / 2024 / 115 min / Slovene / 7+

The action takes place in Piran where three children meet by chance. Mario is a local living with his grandmother, Robert, who comes from a family of a lower social status, is in Piran with his friends from his summer camp and Barbara is from a well-situated family but her parents are divorced. A stray text message sent to a wrong (Barbara’s) number sets off a chain of events that take our heroes through exciting adventures by means of various riddles connected to medieval Piran.

Film ima dodatno gradivo.
OŠ/1, OŠ/2, OŠ/3

Tony, Shelly and the Magic Light Tonda, Slávka a kouzelné světlo

Filip Pošivač / Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia / 2023 / 82 min / Dubbed / 7+

Eleven-year-old Tony has a unique feature he was born with – he glows. He spends his days at home in his blanket bunker and dreams about having a friend. Before Christmas, a peculiar girl named Shelly moves into his house and turns his world upside down. Together, they embark on an adventurous search for the origin of the mysterious tufts of darkness which suck the sunshine out of their house.

Film ima dodatno gradivo.
SŠ, OŠ/3

The Quiet Girl An Cailín Ciúin

Colm Bairéad / Ireland / 2022 / 95 min / Irish Gaelic, English / 13+

A quietly moving and sensitive coming-of-age story exploring issues of family, loneliness and grief through the eyes of its young protagonist. Filmed in the rarely heard Irish language, the film has delighted audiences and critics alike, winning numerous awards, including the Grand Prix in the Generation Kplus section at the Berlinale and an Oscar nomination.

SŠ, OŠ/3

Shoplifters Manbiki kazoku

Hirokazu Koreeda / Japan / 2018 / 121 min / Japanese

On the margins of Tokyo, a dysfunctional band of outsiders are united by fierce loyalty and a penchant for petty theft. When their young son is arrested, secrets are exposed that upend their tenuous, below-the-radar existence and test their quietly radical belief that it is love and not blood that defines a family. Palme d’Or at last year’s Cannes.

SŠ, OŠ/3

Real Pests! To so gadi

Jože Bevc / Yugoslavia / 1977 / 95 min / Slovene / 14+