Spletni šolski katalog
Spletni šolski katalog je seznam filmov za otroke in mlade, ki jih priporočamo za ogled v Kinodvorovem šolskem programu. Priporočeni filmi za vrtce in šole so na voljo za predvajanje v Kinodvoru in drugih kinematografih Art kino mreže. Seznam posodabljamo sproti, novosti pa najdete v tiskanem Šolskem katalogu, ki izide v avgustu. Če bi ga želeli brezplačno prejeti, nam pišite.
V … priporočamo za predšolske otroke | OŠ/1 … priporočamo za učence v 1. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/2 … priporočamo za učence v 2. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/3 … priporočamo za učence v 3. triletju osnovne šole | SŠ … priporočamo za dijake in študente
Living Large Život k sežrání
Kristina Dufková / Czech Republic, Slovakia, France / 2024 / 80 min / Dubbed / 10+
A 12 year-old boy was bullied for his weight and he tries to turn things around by dieting and attempting to win over the girl of his dreams.
Lars is LOL Lars er LOL
Eirik Sæter Stordahl / Norway / 2023 / 85 min / Slovene subtitles, Norwegian / 8+
Amanda is reluctantly tasked with taking special care of her new classmate, Lars, who has Down syndrome. To her surprise, Amanda and Lars develop a unique friendship. But in her struggle to fit in, Amanda ends up betraying Lars, causing her to lose both him and her other friends. In her quest for forgiveness, Amanda must find the courage to stand out and be true to herself.
Luca Luca
Enrico Casarosa / Italy, USA / 2021 / 100 min / Dubbed / 6+
On the Italian Riviera, an unlikely but strong friendship grows between a human being and a sea monster disguised as a human.
Lynx Lynx
Laurent Geslin / Switzerland, France / 2021 / 82 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 8+
In the Jura mountains, the silhouette of a boreal lynx slips through the beech and fir trees. He calls his female. This is the beginning of the story of a lynx family.
Little Mom Petite maman
Céline Sciamma / France / 2021 / 72 min / French
After Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Céline Sciamma returns with a masterly miniature about grief, memory, and the mysterious bonds between mothers and daughters.
Los Bando Los Bando
Christian Lo / Norway, Sweden / 2018 / 94 min / Slovene subtitles, Norwegian / 9+
A feel-good roadmovie about a young band that embarks on a journey across Norway to attend the National Championships of Rock in a race against time, the police and their parents.
Let him be a basketball player Košarkar naj bo
Boris Petkovič / Slovenia / 2017 / 79 min / Slovene / 8+
Lotte and the Moonstone Secret Lotte ja kuukivi saladus
Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma / Estonia / 2011 / 75 min / Dubbed / 5+
Let's Go Our Own Way Gremo mi po svoje
Miha Hočevar / Slovenia / 2010 / 94 min / Slovene / 6+