The Box Office is open from 14:30 till 20:30 (will open in 01:09).

Spletni šolski katalog je seznam filmov za otroke in mlade, ki jih priporočamo za ogled v Kinodvorovem šolskem programu. Priporočeni filmi za vrtce in šole so na voljo za predvajanje v Kinodvoru in drugih kinematografih Art kino mreže. Seznam posodabljamo sproti, novosti pa najdete v tiskanem Šolskem katalogu, ki izide v avgustu. Če bi ga želeli brezplačno prejeti, nam pišite.

Pri iskanju gradiv si lahko pomagate s starostnimi skupinami:
V … priporočamo za predšolske otroke | OŠ/1 … priporočamo za učence v 1. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/2 … priporočamo za učence v 2. triletju osnovne šole | OŠ/3 … priporočamo za učence v 3. triletju osnovne šole | SŠ … priporočamo za dijake in študente
OŠ/1, OŠ/2, OŠ/3

Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds Sirocco et le Royaume des courants d’air

Benoît Chieux / France, Belgium / 2023 / 75 min / Dubbed / 6+

Agnès, the neighbour of Juliette (4 years old) and Carmen (8 years old), writes children’s books that take place in a fantastic world, The Kingdom of the Winds. The two sisters discover a passage between their world and this extraordinary universe. Once there, the two girls are transformed into cats and separated from each other. They will have to show temerity and daring to find each other. With the help of the singer Selma, they will try to reach the real world by confronting Sirocco, the master of winds and storms… But is he as terrifying as they imagine?

Film ima dodatno gradivo.
OŠ/1, OŠ/2, OŠ/3

Škatla z barvami Škatla z barvami

razno / Lithuania, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium / 2023 / 31 min / No dialogue, Slovene subtitles

OŠ/1, OŠ/2

School of Magical Animals: Part 2 Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2

Sven Unterwaldt Jr. / Germany / 2022 / 103 min / Dubbed / 7+

Follows Ida and Benni, who attend to The Winterstein School, which is no ordinary school, and must team together with their magical animals to solve the puzzle of mysterious holes that appeared on the school grounds.

OŠ/1, OŠ/2

School of Magical Animals Die Schule der magischen Tiere

Gregor Schnitzler / Germany, Austria / 2021 / 93 min / Slovene subtitles, German / 8+

OŠ/1, V

The Elfkins - Baking a Difference Die Heinzels - Rückkehr der Heinzelmännchen

Ute von Münchow-Pohl / Germany / 2019 / 78 min / Dubbed / 5+