The Box Office is open from 15:30 till 19:00 (will open in 07:17).

Alexander Payne

Director (February 2024)

Tomaž Grom, Špela Trošt

Director and producer (February 2024)

Ekipa filma Gepack

Cast and crew (January 2024)

Ekipo filma Ptičar

Director, cast and crew (December 2023)

Christian Petzold

Director (via Zoom, December 2023)

Filip Pošivač

Director (December 2023)

Hanna Slak

Director (October 2023)

Damjan Kozole

Director (October 2023)

Ekipa Obzornik 242 – Sunčane pruge

The protagonist Etaf Alburai and DOP Jošt Frank (October 2023)

Marina Er Gorbač

Director (October 2023)

Petra Seliškar in Urška Ristić

Director and protagonist of the film Body (October 2023)

Ekipa filma O ljudeh, ki so v kinu doma

Tiba Lagler, Blaž Miklič and the protagonists (October 2023)