The Space Among Us is coming of age drama, set in a rural, picturesque town Kostanjevica na Krki. The story revolves around 14 year old Canadian Tobi, who comes to Slovenia on summer holidays with his mother Kristina, who is about to have an important art exhibition in her hometown. Tobi is not excited to spend a summer away from his father and his friends. The situation gets even worse when a local gang starts to bully him because of his skin color. The only positive thing around is a free spirited girl named Tjaša, who leads Tobi to an unusual encounter with retired, blind astronomer Herman. While waiting for his father to join them in Slovenia, Tobi starts spending time with Herman, who teaches him about the laws of Space, which can be applied to our everyday life here on Earth. The star observatory also represents a shelter for Tobi, where he runs to in order to escape the news about his parents’ marriage problems. As it turns out, even Kristina’s art exhibition was pre-planned and visiting her hometown was just an excuse to escape her current life in Canada. The roller coaster of intense emotions and dynamic events lead Tobi and Kristina to confront their fears and to discover what the Universe holds for them.
The Space Among Us Vesolje med nami
The DVD of the film is available in our Bookshop. (List of available DVDs in Slovene only)
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