The Box Office is open from 16:00 till 20:50 (will open in 05:17).

Body Telo

Petra Seliškar / Slovenia, North Macedonia, Croatia / 2023 / 91 min

For two decades, director Petra Seliškar documented the life of her close friend Urška, who is struggling with rare autoimmune diseases. Urška who was once a model and is now a professional pianist, faces unusual challenges, but refuses to let her spirit be broken. The film combines intimate conversations, personal archives, and impressionist images to delve into the secrets of the human body and reveal the power of art and friendship. World première in Sarajevo.


Kinodvor. Online.

You can't come to the cinema? You can watch this film online. Available only in Slovenia.

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What's On

About Dry Grasses Kuru Otlar Üstüne

Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Tuesday, 04. 06. 2024 / 17:00 / Main Hall

An incident at a state school in Anatolia thwarts a teacher’s dream of escaping his bleak life in a remote Turkish region.

Hit Man Hit Man

Richard Linklater

Tuesday, 04. 06. 2024 / 20:50 / Main Hall

The Quiet Girl An Cailín Ciúin

Colm Bairéad

Wednesday, 05. 06. 2024 / 10:00 / Main Hall

A quietly moving and sensitive coming-of-age story exploring issues of family, loneliness and grief through the eyes of its young protagonist. Filmed in the rarely heard Irish language, the film has delighted audiences and critics alike, winning numerous awards, including the Grand Prix in the Generation Kplus section at the Berlinale and an Oscar nomination.