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From 27 October 2018.

Birds of the Lakes Return Ptice jezer, njihova vrnitev

Matej Vranič / Slovenia / 2018 / 54 min / Slovene / 6+

The film shows how industry nowadays can coexist with vibrant life.

directed by Matej Vranič, screenplay Matej Vranič, story writer Marjan Žiberna, cinematography Matej Vranič, camera Matej Vranič, Jernej Župevc, Andrej Voje, Denis Horvat, music Leon Firšt, storyteller Jure Longyka, producer Matej Vranič, asistant producer Karmen Skornšek, distribution in Slovenia FIVIA – Vojnik

Official website

The film will be screened in Slovenian version.

From the branch that leans over the water, the kingfisher suddenly dives in. A few moments later he is back on the branch – holding a fish looking much too big for his size.
The osprey, extremely rare guest in these parts, arouses curiosity but also fear among other birds. But it's only interested in fish. Soon a life of one of them ends in osprey’s talons.
The goshawk, eager to get some fresh food after a long winter, impetuously dives towards mallards swimming in the lake.
All of this is taking place just outside an industrial town on the land, where just two decades ago there was almost no life to be found.
BIRDS OF THE LAKES RETURN is an excellent display of how humans can rehabilitate and restore an area where a heavy industry polluted the water so severely that it was unsuitable to sustain any kind of life.

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