The Box Office is open from 15:15 till 21:00 (will open in 12:38).
In Kinobalon from 4 September 2022

Cinemini Cartoons Cinemini risanke

razno / 51 min / 4+

A programme of animated shorts from Cinemini Europe project. No dialogues.

A Visit from the Space Posjet iz svemira
Director: Zlatko Grgić
Country: Yugoslavia
Year: 1964
Production: Zagreb Film
Length: 12 minutes
A young girl plays in the garden in front of her family's house. She wants to pick the apples from the tree and thus makes use of a kite which allows her to fly up to the branches and pick all the apples. Just as she is about to descend back to the ground an UFO appears. Two aliens exit and after one has left out of fear the other one gets to know the girl and slowly begins to trust her. As she is called for supper by her parents the alien remembers his mother who is waiting on the distant planet he has come from. With the help of the girl's kite the alien manages to return home, leaving a trace of gnawed apples between himself and the girl from another planet that he just met. Educatonal materials in English

The Tiny Fish Rybka
Director: Sergei Ryabov
Country: Russia
Year: 2007
Production: Irina Kirakosyan
Length: 10 minutes
A girl and her cat go for a walk. Upon crossing a frozen lake they encounter a man who is ice fishing. When he catches a fish and throws it onto the ice, the girl feels for the creature and wants to throw it back into the water, which the fisherman prevents. The scene haunts the girl into her dreams where she once again tries to save the fish from the dirty bearded man. Educational materials in English

Caution, the doors are opening! Ostorozhno, dveri otkryvayutsya
Director: Anastasiya Zhuravlyova
Country: Russia
Year: 2005
Production: Sergei Mirzayev
Length: 5 minutes
A day on the public transportation system in the lives of...buttons! They go to work, use the elevators, stand on platforms, get on trains - just like humans do. Every day, from morning to night, year by year. But within all that monotony one can discover the small details that make life special, the romantic meeting of two buttons, the collapse of an old button, buttons with their babybuttons and - last but not least - the many patterns that make each button an individual button being. Educational materials in English

Traveling Through Brush and Ink Bimo xinglü
Director: Annlin Chao
Country: Taiwan
Year: 2017
Production: XXtralab
Length: 4 minutes
A piece of food in the beak of a bird becomes a man traveling through the landscapes of four important paintings from China's art history. Being a creature that has been created from colour and form he begins to take on any shape, turns from being a man to being a bird to being a tree. Traveling has a different meaning if you think of it in an animation context: It is not so much moving from here to there but rather about becoming one thing and then another. Educational materials in English

My Mom is an Airplane! Moia Mama - Samolet
Director: Yulia Aronova
Country: Russia
Year: 2013
Production: Acme Filmworks, Pchela Studio
Length: 7 minutes
Different people have different mothers. And while they all are cool in their own way, having a mother who is an airplane is pretty much unbeatable: Travelling with her you could say hello to every sky scraper, deliver the mail to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or place a scarf around a mountain's neck against the cold. It is hard to beat having a mother who is an airplane. But wait until I tell you what my father is...! Educational materials in English

The Little Cousteau Maly Cousteau
Director: Jakub Kouřil
Country: Czech Republic
Year: 2014
Production: Bára Příkaská
Length: 8 minutes
If you are obsessed with something, you begin to see it everywhere: Such is the case with the little boy in this animation film who loves the filmmaker and marine explorer Jacques Cousteau. And since the nearby cinema is not playing any of his films and winter in his home town has nothing to do with the world of Cousteau he embarks on a journey to find him. Surely he must be someone, living together with the great octopus the boy saw on the movie's poster... Educational materials in English

My Happy End
Director: Milen Vitanov
Country: Germany
Year: 2008
Production: HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg
Length: 5 minutes
What if a dog's tail was more than just a part of his body that it can wag? What if its tail became his best friend, someone it could share the bone it chews with, someone to play table tennis, someone to spend the whole day and whole night with? That could really, finally be a happy end and animation makes it possible. But every happy end has its dark spots and if your tail becomes a self-reliant character there is a chance that he also wants his own cat to chase! Educational materials in English

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What's On

My Favourite Cake Keyke mahboobe man

Maryam Moghadam, Behtash Sanaeeha

Thursday, 24. 10. 2024 / 16:15 / Main Hall

Seventy-year-old Mahin lives alone in Tehran after her husband’s death and her daughter’s departure for Europe, until an afternoon tea with friends leads her to break her solitary routine and revitalise her love life. However, as Mahin opens herself up to a new romance, what begins as an unexpected encounter quickly evolves into an unpredictable, unforgettable evening.

The Old Oak The Old Oak

Ken Loach

Thursday, 24. 10. 2024 / 18:30 / Main Hall

Ken Loach, the old oak of British social realism, in his characteristically fiery and emotionally direct style, calls for compassion and intercultural solidarity.

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad

Anna Hints

Thursday, 24. 10. 2024 / 20:00 / Small Hall

In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.