The Box Office is open from 16:30 till 20:30 (open for another 03:28, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).
Name Director Type
Fascination Larry Revene, USA 1980 movie
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights Undici giorni, indici notti Joe D'Amato movie
Luscious Bill Slobodian, USA 1980 movie
Beverly Hills Cox Beverly Hills Cox Paul Vatelli movie
Pink Champagne Sven Conrad, movie
The Ginger Effect Bruce Seven, USA 1985 movie
Great Sexpectations Henry Pachard, USA 1984 movie
Private School Noel Black, USA 1983 movie
Ten Little Maidens John Seeman, USA 1985 movie
El escote Antonio Verdaguer, E 1986 movie